Board of Directors
Jason Skoland
Shareholder Information
Minerva Valley Telephone Co., Inc. is a shareholder-owned corporation. As of this writing there were 14,139 shares being held by our 345 shareholders. New shares are always available for purchase at our business office at 104 N. Pine Street in Zearing.
The Annual Stockholders Meeting is held each year on the last Tuesday in March. The meeting provides the stockholders a chance to elect new board members, find out what new projects the company is doing, see the year-end financial statements and ask questions or express any concerns they may have.
The Board of Directors for Minerva Valley is made up of seven shareholders, all of which must reside in either the 487 (Zearing) exchange or the 477 (Clemons/St. Anthony) exchange. Each director is elected for a three year term.
Minerva Valley Companies
104 N Pine Street
Zearing, IA 50278
Tel: 641-487-7399